WORK your roots ! – Workshop by Jason Respilieux


24.01> 04/02/2022

In search of the sensitive body, Jason Respilieux’s workshop follows a path of sensations and a possible transposition of the principles of permaculture to dance.  It is aimed at sensitive dancers who are curious about the connection of their bodies and their senses with the living world around them.

You will begin the morning with improvisation exercises and the learning of short phrases, where sight, smell, taste, touch and listening will become the starting point of a nuanced search for links with what surrounds you, both physically and psychologically.

You will continue in the afternoon by studying permaculture to bring it to a choreographic composition. How do you translate some of the principles and ethics of permaculture into your own dance? Can you make the singular expression of everyone flourish? Can you imagine a choreography that translates the natural patterns around – and within – you?

Pampered by a temperate and just wet enough climate of this workshop-germoir, Jason Respilieux and the Garage29 invite you to grow at the speed of plants. Through atmospheric walks in the perma theories you will branch your minds like a giant mycelium taking shape. After 2 long weeks of rooting, you will finally be ready to hatch in front of a sunny audience, during a sensational presentation, on Friday February 4th at 7pm.


DATES : 24/04> 04/02/22, 11am >5pm

PRIX:  100€

In agreement with the choreographer, 5 participants will be able to attend this workshop free of charge. Info & registration before January 7th at

Selection criteria:

× Introduce yourself in your own way (whatever you think is relevant to state). Then describe what led you to dance. > Free choice of format (text, video, audio, etc.)

× What other artistic field moves you? > Add a medium of your choice. For example, a song, a drawing, a photo, a poem, … (external inspiration or own creation).

× When you think of the five senses, which one speaks to you the most? or the one that is most easily accessible to you?

× Send us a file or a link to a video-dance of yourself. (With password, if necessary).


About: Jason Respilieux


Photography by Lore Stessel

Graphics by Sabina Scarlat

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