WORK your Pocket Poney ! – Workshop by Paola Di Bella

03 > 14.04.2023

Inspired by the ‘Pocket Poney live concerts’,  an art form that calls for music, singing, humor, theatrical play, and dance improvisation, this workshop-creation is open to all people who want to experiment with their image and play the game of “change identity” as an opportunity to experience, feel and find artistic and personal empowerment.

Learn how to create a complete look, make-up and costume, and explore the performative aspects of it! The approach is similar to theater but the main form of expression will be movement and voice in a broader sense.

Share together a lot of dreams and creativity, in a relaxed, safe and supportive atmosphere.

Perform and sing for each other a lot, with the main objective of experiencing an extraordinary present moment together.

An exploration of particular themes related to the notion of roots, ancestry, beauty, sensuality and futurism, in which you will experience folkloristic dances and songs, from club dancing to commercial music tunes !

Public presentation, the result of this collective experience, on Friday, April 14, 2023!

DATES : 03> 14.04.23, 11am >5pm

PRICE:  100€ (In agreement with the choreographer, 5 participants will be able to attend this workshop free of charge. Send your application before February 27 to

Selection criteria:

  • Present yourself in your own way, whatever you think is relevant to mention!
  • Send a medium of your choice. For example, a song, a drawing, a photo, a poem…

Paola Di Bella is a performance artist and singer coming from a contemporary dance background, she is specialized in improvisation and very fascinated by the folkloric and social aspect of dance, by the movement as an expression of community and social bond. These themes are the axes of work for her new upcoming performance-concert: ” Pocket Poney: the flight of the Moth”. Some photographic and video material will be produced mainly to be available for the participants as souvenirs or personal portfolio material; (and could also be shared with a public if agreed so before).

About: Paola Di Bella !


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