
SUITES is celebrating ever changing dancing body and its ability to create communication between performer and audience. Danced on empty stage, structured improvisation is alternating and exchanging with a fixed composition.

Main focus of ‘Suites’ are challenges we face in order to perceive person – another human being in front of us, his/her actions, behavior in space and surroundings in today’s culture.

SUITES will be premiered on 2. June. 2016, TanzIST Dornbin. Before then, Tomas Danielis will be in residency at Garage29 from 11. April until 16. April where he is inviting the public to a work in progress showing. 

Performed by:   Tomas Danielis
Assistant:          Anne Cécile Chane Tune
Music:                 J.S.Bach French Overture b minor, BWV 831

Tomas Danielis was born in Slovakia and graduated AMDA Bratislava and Conservatory J.L.Bella. He was working for cie.W.Dorner, Granhoj Dans, guest for S.Waltz, cie.F.Ruckert, soloist of Croatian National Theatre, Ballet Graz and others. He is teaching in Europe and Asia for various institutions such as DanscentrumJette, Raffinerie, CODARTS, HJS, Marameo, Tsekh Moscow, Hot Summer Kyoto and Terence Lewis Academy. Between 2007 and 2009 he was art director of Int.Bühnenwerstatt Tanztheater Festival Graz. Danielis is holding 5 awards for choreography and interpretation and nomination for Philip Morris Dance Flower Award for Contemporary Dance. His pieces were presented in more than 15 countries of Europe and Asia. 

15.4   6.30PM


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