TAMARA GVOZDENOVIC – Les dames / Tradition Travioli

17.05.19 /  showing

Tradition Travioli is the name of a board game. It is also the gathering of several dancers around the themes of power, abuse of power and manipulation, while caricaturing them through disguise and play.
During creation, the show is currently experimenting with different formulas, combinatorials, rules of the game. For the OFF, it is on the checkerboard of a chess game that 2 dancers, Les Dames, Tamara Gvozdenovic and Joanna Beulin will take place. Determined to use all means, they instrumentalize the public, which they immediately place on the chessboard and divide into two groups: whites and blacks. Once the frame is installed and all the pieces placed, the strategy game can begin. But for that, a pawn, will have to create an opening, so that the game begins, so that the queens will confront each other.
A try-out appealing to the public’s taste for play!


CONCEPT & CHOREOGRAPHY : Tamara Gvozdenovic

PERFORMANCE : Tamara Gvozdenovic, Joanna Beulin


MUSIC : Florence Bujard

PHOTOGRAPHY : Christophe Coënon


PRODUCTION : Le Facteur​

PARTNERS & RESIDENCY : Garage29, la Fête de la Danse Suisse, Lokart, Cinema Palace Bruxelles, Festival Hivers Danse.

Tamara Gvozdenovic is part of the G – Incubator.



When :
6 pm
Where :
Rue de Moerkerke 29
1030 Bxl
Infos & Reservations :
32 chairs available !!
Free Entrance



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