AMARTE / Syndi Cate Volksroom


Volksroom founded by the performer Ivo Dimchev as an artistic place of residency and presentation, is invested by the artists Sophia Rodriguez and Micha Goldberg among others who gather together during a performance night in OFFestival@Volksroom.

With :
Ivan Noria, Vanessa Rojas, Mei Arnella, Lasha Tsuladze, Luc Emiel Rooman, Anneleen Hubrecht, Nathan French, Eve Bonneau , Meteorite, many extras and much more… don,t miss it!!!
“Amarte” song: Carles Lopez /
Sountrack music: Kris Engelen
director of photography: Zoilly Molnar
photo: Vincent Caputo, Michel Christenblanc, Stef Meul
assistant production: Morgane Wadbled
idea and direction: Ignacio Galilea
production: Artpotheek

Presentation : 
FR 27.05 — 8:30 PM
PRICE : 7 €
Ch de Mons 33 – 1070 BXL




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