17.05.17 / Garage29

SMIRK shines a spotlight on a multi-faceted cathartic conversation one woman experiences. SMIRK uses intricate, isolated looping pathways to explore the layers of desire, conformity, rules and emotions that come into play when one attempts a sexual identity today. It hints at a potential juxtaposition between personal, private desire, and the stereotype of the public face of our sexuality. What happens when we attempt to sift through the contradictions within these layers?

Supported by Bains Connective, Brussels Belgium Casa do Brasil, Brussels Belgium

Length : 20 min 


Sarah Bleasdale is a European-based dancer, choreographer and performer from New Zealand. She holds a BA in Contemporary Dance and Choreography and a BA in Political Science and Religious Studies. Based in Europe since 2010, Sarah has collaborated with the Belgian ‘20 For Brussels:Young Choreographers’ and worked as the assistant touring director for UBIK Theatre Group/Renan Martins for Festival Actoral. She has danced for Cie. Antonia Baehr(GER), SOIT/Cie. Hans Van den Broeck (BEL), Renan Martins (BR), Demestri+Lefeurve (FR/BEL) amongst others. Most recently her gallery installation/performance ‘BREXIT: The Confessional’ with Dir. Leonie Kubigsteltig in Berlin was notated and published by unstabe.EU. Sarah also performs Burlesque under the persona ‘Miss Phoenix Rising’ in London,Brussels, Berlin, and New Zealand. In 2016 Sarah was awarded 3rd prize at the International Solo Dance Competition at Gdansk Festival Dansa for her performance and choreography of ‘SMIRK’. Sarah currently dances for GAU Company in Berlin.

When :
Where :
Rue de Moerkerke 29
1030 Bxl
Reservations at:
Price :
12 €
IMPORTANT : participants who bet 10€ in our kisskissbankbank compagne will have A FREE TICKET FOR THE EVENTS OF 17TH OF MAY.



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