16-20.05.16 / OFF @ Ultima Vez

My class is about working with powerfull physicality related to the floor and air.  The focus of the class is to develop movement in different levels – up and down possitions, shifting support and balance in different parts of the body and handstand work .My inspiration for the class comes from every living moment that i sense in my life. We start class with full power by playing  games that wake up the body and mind. Improvisation or Open dancing, will be the tool to  start from. Later we slow down and focus on the short exercises  that connect to final phrases that will end the class. Rythmically we extend and shift movement  from the floor phrases in the air and down again, using speed and effinciency of our body. I want  support action and fearlesness. In a playfull environment  I want to work with instinct to discover different  kinds of movement possibilities. The point of my class is to develop trust among the group and build safe conclusions to difficult actions.


Peter started his first education in the children folk dance company Dumbier Slovakia, where he stood 11 years. From 1996 to 2001, he studied and graduated at the Conservatory J.L. Bella of dance, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. He continued his higher education at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Bratislava before entering at the international school of dance P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels (2002), under the direction of Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker. His professional experience ranges from dancing with different international artists and companies such as Zuzana Hajkova, Opera Banska Bystrica, ASpO,  Company Roberto Olivan, OXOXOX – Juri Konjar, G. Barberio Corsetti, Fatou Traoré, Company Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui (MYTH creation 2007). Since 2001, Peter is collaborating with David Zambrano as a performer, and also as an assistant for his classes and workshops : Rabbit project, 3 flies went out at noon, 12 flies went out at noon, Soul project (US 28shows –  tour 2012) , Morning Dogs Dancing Day Piggy Night (assisting), MA -ZA- DA- MA. Peter Jasko is co-founder of Les SlovaKs Dance Collective. They created Opening Night in October 2007, Journey Home in November 2009, The Koncert, 2010, Fragmets in November 2012.

His teaching experiences started in 2002 and at the moment he is teaching in many dance and c studios, dance and circus schools and companies in Belgium, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Slovenia, Switzerland, Russia, Germany, Austria (ImpulsTanz), New York, Canada, Costa Rica, Congo, Sweeden, Quebec and many other countries. He collaborates regularly with DCJ – Dans Centrum Jette (Belgium) and with Kunsthumaniora DANS – Hedendaagse dans Wilrijk (Belgium).

©Francis Ducharme

When : 
16 – 20.05.16 —15:00 – 18:00
Where : 
Ultima Vez Studio
Where to register :
Price :
75 €/week, 15€/day










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