24-28.10.16 / Garage29

I would like to share with you my dance history. Something that inspired me to dance, something that gave me a lot of answers when wondering: why we dance. I will teach a phrase from the east of Slovakia that was set for my latest solo called” A solo for Mr.Folk”(2014) Working specifically with musicality, rhythm and various qualities of dynamic.

This class will have a simple structure. Learning set material, and little by little developing, adding, and filling up movements, which will lead to a final phrase.  We shall use traditional eastern Slovakian music as the relationship between music and the dance is integral. All you need are good sturdy shoes to dance with and the stamina to survive this journey.

 The dance is very physical, working the whole body, however mostly consisting of complex footwork. Man was wearing spurs on the boots to add a different texture to the body percussion.


Milan Herich started his first dance steps in the Slovak traditional children dance company Dumbier, where he stood 12 years. Graduated in 2000, his studies at the Conservatory J.L.Bella in Banska Bystrica.After school, Milan continued his work in the professional company “Dance Studio”, lead by Z.Hajkova. In September 2002, he left the University of Arts in Bratislava to enter the international school P.A.R.T.S., headed by Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker in Brussels. Milan joined Ultima Vez and Wim Vandekeybus for Puur, creation 2005. In 2007 he joins Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui company to create performance “Myth”.Since 2000, Milan assists David Zambrano’s classes and workshops (ImpulstanzVienna) and he is permanently collaborating at his work: “12 flies went out at noon”, “3flies went out at noon”, “Rabbit project”, “Soul Project”, ”Holes”. Milan Herich is co-founder of Les SlovaKsDance Collective. They created “OpeningNight” in October 2007 and “Journey Home” in November 2009,”The Concert”-live concert of traditional music and singing created in 2010, in March 2013 their last show ”Fragments”.In March 2013 Milan joined the company of Anton Lachky for creation:”Mind A Gap”After 8 years(2013) Milan joined the company of UltimaVez  in performance:”Booting Looting” In 2014 Milan created for first time his solo called” Solo for Mr.Folk-directed by David Zambrano.In 2015 he joined the company of Anton Lachky for the second creation called “Side Effects.


©Danny Willems

When :
24-28.10.16 — 10:00 – 14:00
with 30 min of break or less to have couple of shots of a good Slivovica, and some Slovak catering/snacks
Where :
Rue de Moerkerke 29
1030 Bxl
Registration obligatory at:
this workshop is available only in full version/ 5 days participation obligatory
Price :
100 €

good sturdy shoes to dance with are obligatory!



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