Marion Sage – GINCUBATOR 2021-2022


Marion Sage studied dance studies at the University of Paris 8 (bachelor’s and master’s degrees), at the Freie Universität in Berlin and at the University of Lille (doctorate). This course allows her to discover the tools of gesture analysis and the history of the performing arts.

Since 2010, Marion has been teaching in the Dance and Performance department at the University of Lille; the seminar space allows her to set up devices where bodily experiments, contemporary social and philosophical reflections and critical analysis meet and co-construct.

Marion also leads her own choreographic research. She follows the choreographic training at the Abbaye de Royaumont on the theme of “quotation in dance”. She was then welcomed by the Vivat d’Armentières for a year to carry out research on the gesture of the voice (as part of the “Pas-à-pas” program of the Drac Hauts de France). It is within the framework of Happynest, a support platform for artistic emergence in the field of performance, under the direction of the theater collective Superamas, that she began her first choreographic piece Grand tétras.

She works with other choreographers as a performer (Lara Barsacq, Thibaud Le Maguer, Liaam Iman, Gabriel Beck) or as a project companion (Danya Hammoud). With the sound artist Anne Lepère, she invents performances and workshops around stories crossing mythologies and cooking recipes.




30.05>10.06.2022 : Workshop-création

28.10.2022: Workshot, public presentation

17.06.2023: OffShot, end of process presentation

 Ⓒ Anne Lepère

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