Loraine Dambermont – Always 3/4 Face


“3/4 Face! ” is the best defense position according to Johnny Cadillac, a former Belgian karatee and expert in combat. It’s a surefire way to deal with the dangers that await us in a society now experienced as more and more unpredictable.

In a 25-minute version of the show, Loraine Dambermont fulfills a virtuoso performance that challenges her physical abilities. A real marathon of hyper-coordinated and fast movements, with an extreme musicality brings us back to our primitive origins and our true human nature.

With her entry into the G-Incubator, Loraine Dambermont immerses herself in the extension of this work to a long version show.



MUSIC : Mix voice and sounds by Johnny Cadillac and Youtube famous Japanese karateka icons made by Loraine Dambermont with the help of Victor Petit (BE) – Original Track by Lynn Suemitsu (JP/US) and Gavin Vanælst (NL)

PARTNERS : Ecole Menuet / Thierry Delvigne, De Hoek / De Muziekacademie van Anderlecht, Brussels / L’Armande Asbl, Liège (BE),Perpetuum MOBILE Festival, Brussels, Garage29 ( BE), Iles asbl (BE).

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