L. KAPETANEA & J. FRUCEK/Eyes in the color of the rain

25.05.13 – 19:30  / OFFESTIVAL

LINDA KAPETANEA graduated from the State School of Dance in Athens, Greece, winning a State scholarship to continue her studies in New York where she was collaborating with the choreographer Irene Hultman. As performer Linda has worked internationally with various dance companies including Ηοreftes and Sine Qua Non in Greece. From 2002-2006 she worked with Wim Vandekeybus’ Ultima Vez.JOZEF FRUCEK graduated from the Academy of Music and Theater of Bratislava, completing his PhD Thesis in 2002. During 2002-2005, he was a member of Wim Vandekeybus’ Ultima Vez. During 2005-2006 he collaborated with the Royal Flemish Theater in Brussels (KVS) on his own work.In 2006, Linda Kapetanea and Jozef Frucek formed ROOTLESSROOT as a vehicle for their own productions, research and teaching. Together they are developing the research program of FIGHTING MONKEYS – an applied methodology of martial arts in the education of dancers, actors and movement practitioners. From 2006 – 2011 both Frucek and Kapetanea were on the teaching faculty at the Athens State School for Dance.With EYES IN THE COLORS OF THE RAIN, Rootlessroot stepped into a new cycle of performances where the body is meeting and melting with materials and objects, creating a new emotional reality on stage. Eyes in the Colors of the Rain is not only a dance performance, but a serious crash between the world of physical structure and its form, and the life that tries to escape this physicality into nothingness. It explores a movement-language that involves into a dynamic and complex emotional landscape of humankind and reaches deep into the physical and emotional possibilities of the human structure. The recreation and destruction of John’s apocalyptic vision. The politics and economics of our Christian religion, and its primal function to manipulate and create social error.

We will awaken the Body, that will decompose time and space in a way we usually experience, and its action will provoke new questions about “The problem of the body”. Questioning what is temporary and what permanent in the never-ending process of our disappearance.

Choreography & Performance Linda Kapetanea – Jozef Frucek
Dramaturgy Hildegard De Vuyst
Lighting Design Jukka Huitila
Music Vassilis Mantzoukis
Set Design RootlessRoot & Vassilis Mantzoukis
Costumes Angelos Mendis
Co-production Onassis Cultural Centre – RootlessRoot
Duration 50min.




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