Juan JUAN NAVARRO/Musings on war and …

02.06.12 – 20:30  / OFFESTIVAL

Musings on war and other contemporary domestic mirages / Workshop creation
Juan Navarro is one of the special guests of this OFFestival 2012. He is a full artist developing a personal way of understanding the stage creation working as an actor o director. Among the important groups of the Contemporary European Theater that he works with, it is to mention the regular gathering with Rodrigo Garcia and “La Carniceria Teatro” in works like “The Story of Ronald, the Clown of Mc. Donald “-” La Historia de Ronald, el payaso de Mc Donalds”,” Death and rebirth in a cowboy “- “Muerte y reencarnacion en un cowboy”or “Golgotha Panic”. As a director, he recently created “Tala”, adapted from the novel by Thomas Bernhard, besides creating shows like “ Fiestas Populares”- “Festivities” (Mercat de les flors, NY, 2005) “ Agrio Beso” -“Sour Kiss” (Sala Apolo, NY, 2007) or “Nancy Spungen” (Antic Theatre, NY, 2011).As a teacher, he developed a personal way to transmit which is through scenic building workshops. He accepted to intervene in OFFestival 2012 in this very specific way. His proposal is to build up a show within a “THEATRICAL CREATION WORKSHOP” that will last 7 days and include 20 participants. The participants will be selected through acting, dance or circus performers that are ready to investigate the proposal that Juan Navarro choose for this time: “Musings on war and other contemporary domestic mirages”.Juan Navarro summed up his departing point for this workshop:

“It occurs to me to physically work on unlived experiences, as none of my generation in Western Europe experienced a real war, although there were conceptual wars which nurtured our ideals , but nobody saw a bombing, no one saw his family die in a shootout, no one was in a concentration camp … it occurs to me to fantasize about the not experienced in the art of war, to create a pure physical context, without political or moral speculation. A puzzle of physical experiences about the war, that will sustain in a banal or at least not dramatic way , all insignificant themes and aspects of our domestic life, about our privacy, which is really the only thing that concerns us.

These fragments between intimacy and imagination of those places of violence not experienced, will be confirmed as a stage work after a week of work. I think the scenario does not mean anything until it reaches the public’s presence.A scenic building workshop involves a space where all who participate (including me), can be exposed generously to certain ideas or proposals with unlikely or unpredictable results. In short, the scenario is just that, making the imagined likely .”

This “THEATRICAL CREATION WORKSHOP” expects motivated participants ready to have flexible working hours and ready to go on stage with this very short creation that will close this year OFFestival edition on the 3rd of June.

60 min





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