After more than six years of therapy and three years of art school: I am ready. Prepare yourself for the great revenge of my inner child! Let’s meet, sit down and talk about trying to survive in a self-destructive world. If I may spoil you a bit, it won’t only be about staying alive, but also about trying to shine bright like a diamond. Sooo if you sometimes feel like shit, prefer your bed than your friends and would love to become someone else, this one is for you <3 I invite you, dear freaks and lonely souls, to come dream with me, embrace ourself and prove that our sexiness may save us all.


♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥       ♥

How do you survive when you’re 9 and want to disappear? Why doesn’t the world we were promised exist? If there’s no future, then what happens next?

Maybe I should just fake it till I make it, duh.

The story of my survival is not just a personal testimony, it’s also a sentimental and political ode that makes visible the pain we don’t talk about, while offering keys to understanding, resisting and taking action. ♥

After 15 years of storms and hurricanes, Durch den monsun bears witness to the reunion / as peaceful as it is electric / between the me of the present and my inner child.

 I don’t want to heal. I want to get revenge. So I asked myself what would a great revenge be? And now, I’m asking you: what is better than fame and glory? Well, nothing. So I’m gonna become a star!

I searched on Google how to become a star. Wikihow really knew how to talk to me: “Are you ready for your close-up? Being a star takes a lot more than luck. You can learn to recognize and develop your natural talents into the skills that will allow you to climb the ladder of your craft toward stardom. With hard work, career management, and self-promotion, you can give yourself a chance for fame and fortune. Think you’ve got what it takes?”.

Oh yeah baby. I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna become a star.

Concept et performance: Zoé Hagen
Aide technique et performative: Golestân Outil-Rouhi, Liza Siche-Jouan, Naya Alezina, Jeanne Gautron
Regard chorégraphique: Naama Shoshan Fogiel Lewin
Regard extérieur: Alphonse Eklou
Stylisme: Armand Verlooy
Avec le soutien de Garage 29, BAMP, Arba-ESA / ISAC et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Sélection belge effectuée par Les Halles de Schaerbeek, La Balsamine et Studio Thor. Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Promotion de Bruxelles).

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