11>15.09.17 / Garage29

Body-Action <> Movement-Relation

It is a training based on the construction of physical actions. It induces the participant to move from a common language and not form dance codes. It decodes and destructs the established and predetermined languages of the dance. Te class is representation of control and physical intuition, its purpose is to create states: physical, mental and even emotional from taxation. It takes the body to its maximum capabilities with a corporately controlled risk. Guide the pupils to fnd the truth in their body and to contact their own way of moving, to assume the information regarding their intuition. Te class is experiential learning.


Performer, Choreographer and Pedagogue in Movement Techniques. Master in Teater Studies and Scenic Direction and Master in Stage Lighting by the Institute of Teater (IT) in Barcelona, Spain. Graduated in Contemporary Dance from the National School of Classic and Contemporary Dance (ENDCC) in Mexico. He studied in Montreal, Canada, with the Le Jeune Ballet du Quebec Company (JBQ), and in New York, USA, with the Hispanic Ballet (BH). He is director of the company Physical Momentum where he currently celebrates ten years of creative career, in parallel is director of the Training Program of Techniques of Movement (TDM) in Mexico and Barcelona. Since 2006 he has developed his methodological proposal Body-Action <> Movement-Relation and Physical Action as Scenic Construction, with which he has given several workshops in companies, festivals and international art centers in Europe and Latin America. DELTEBRE / SEAD / FONTYS / ANDR, etc. He has earned various awards, residences and artistic grants in Latin America and Europe. He has been a grant holder of the National Fund for Culture and Arts FONCA within various programs such as: ENARTES 2015 and 2016, Scenic Creators 2015-2016, 2011-2012 and 2009-2010, Promotion of Cultural Projects and Co-investments 2014-2015, “Young Creators” 2013-2014, Support Program for the Production of Choreographic Production EPRODANZA 2012-2013, “Stimulus to the Creation and Artistic Development” of Guanajuato 2007-2008. Is considered by the press as one of the 7 new emerging creators and young promises as artistic director. He is currently qualifed as one of the most representative dancers of the New Mexican Dance. In his international trajectory, he is mentioned as one of the young precursors of new tendencies and ruptures of the training for the scenic interpreter. He has been a member of several companies and scenic projects for 13 years. During his career he has developed as an interpreter, choreographer and pedagogue; participating in meetings and festivals in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Spain, Holland, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, Austria, Germany and Russia. He currently resides between the city of Barcelona and Brussels.

When :
Where :
Rue de Moerkerke 29
1030 Bxl
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