WorkShot – Garage29 & Marcos Arriola


WorkShot around the project CRUCE by choreographer Marcos Arriola

Saturday 23.04 at 8pm at Halles de Schaerbeek


A WorkShot is a BlitzSnark – a choreographer, a dozen professional performers, a commando trek of his dramaturgical questionings and his scenic vocabulary. Fifteen days to map its edges, to make its borders waver, to meet an audience without a net. We don’t look for a product to present, we spend time together and, like the salt from the edge of an ocean suitably exposed to the sun, the fundamental crystal becomes visible. A lightning experiment, a dazzling creation process, a flash of public exposure: a challenge for all partners!

It is with stylish warriors that the choreographer Marcos Arriola celebrates, in his new creation CRUCE, the dancefloor as a meeting place and as a claim to our subjectivities. The dancing body is political, a strategic place to revolutionize the norms of sexuality, gender and race. Like the trophies of these micro-political struggles, the dancers gathered for two weeks will go through the gestures of an aesthetic of resistance. On the stage, each dancer throws his or her subjectivity, his or her lost and found body when, amidst the shouts of encouragement, the recalcitrant movement triggers the catharsis.


This WorkShot is the result of a workshop – création by Marcos Arriola around his project CRUCE : a two-weeks process in which the choreographer works with a group of participants around the scenic vocabulary of his project. The choreographer uses the group and the diversity of points of view on his or her proposal, which he or she will try to define in order to present the process to an audience on the last day.


Artistic team :

Direction :  Marcos Arriola
Artistic support : Sabina Scarlat

Performers : Paz Moreno; Brend Boote Bidal; Nina Champs; Hugo Chanel; Jhaya Caupenne; Antoine Coppi; Eli Mathieu Bustos; Juliette Mello; Liza Siche-Jouan, Juan Cruz Cizmar, Aline S. Zahui

Costume design : Arnaud Tsiakas et Jon Boy

Thanks to :
Odran Guillemard
Robin Dehenain

A collaboration between Garage29 and Halles de Schaerbeek. In the frame of Brussels, Dance !

• Tickets here!
• From 6,50 € to 15€

About Marcos Arriola

 © Delgerzaya Tuguldur

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