Urtė Groblytė/LOVEXTENDED – GINCUBATOR 2023-2024

Urtė Groblytė is a performer and maker from Lithuania residing in Brussels, Belgium. Her work explores the moments and body states of being on edge, in contact with danger, risk, high intensity, and saturated effort, which requires high presence, listening, and negotiations of strength. Moments of self-loss, and therefore being with the others through negotiation of this sensation. The attentiveness to the pain and the body’s limits is an underlying philosophy and practice behind the different creations she made. The use of objects is an important part of her work as well. They extend, transform, extract from or restrict the body. Most of the time her creations start from the memory of a situation or experience. She wants to “transform the fleeting moments of life into something graspable, something you can hold in your hands, so you don’t forget…” After graduating from a classical ballet school in Lithuania, she went to Folkwang University of Arts in Germany to study modern dance for a year, and after that joined the Training Cycle of P.A.R.T.S.(Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) in Brussels, where she is continuing her Master studies (STUDIOS) at the moment. Next to her studies, she engages in the activities of the collective called LOVEXTENDED, which she was one of the initiators of.

LOVEXTENDED » is a performance collective that formed in 2022. A group met in Brussels during their dance studies and separated in different directions afterward. Now this city is a common ground where they wish to continue working and sharing their artistic practices and processes of creation. One of the first events they did together was three days of performances in Mercerie, Brussels, where they presented three different pieces. The people involved were: Philomene Jander, Ching-Shu Huang, Biret Haarla Pieski, Urtė Groblytė, Judith Dhondt, Victoria Roy, and Luis Miguel Ramirez Munoz.

For now, LOVEXTENDED is building a structure and new ideas for collaboration, one of them being “A LOVELY CONSTRUCTION SITE” (working title), which will be part of this year’s G.Incubator.




in progress..

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