Sergi Parés – Physical blind date / Rencontre/s

20>24.05.19 /  rendez-vous


In our contemporary society of touch, touch communication is reserved for screens or the private domain. Yet touch is a rich and necessary channel for the development of social cooperation relations.  How can touch be reinjected into the social fabric? this is the starting point of Rencontre/s, a cycle of research and creation involving extreme attention or abandonment to the other, especially around a blind posture.
For the OFF, the project takes the form of « physical blind dates » orchestrated between people from different backgrounds, who do not know each other and who meet blind for one hour, exploring their ability to create a bond of trust and share physical challenges. Here, no representation, no visible performance, but an experience of physical encounter, eyes closed and without speaking to each other is offered to the public invited to register for a unique appointment in the studio on one of the days proposed.

CONCEPT ET DIRECTION :  Sergi Parés / Un loup pour l’homme

DRAMATURGE : Sebastian Kann


Setouchi Circus Factory (Michiko Tanaka) (JA), La Roseraie (BE), La Central del Circ (ES), Les Fabriques Culturelles – (FR) (en cours), Garage29 (BE),

Sergi Parès is part of the G-Incubator.



When :
20 >24.05.19
Where :
Rue de Moerkerke 29
1030 Bxl
Infos & Inscriptions :
To register to a blind date, send a mail to specifying your session day and time preferences!!
Free Acces



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