Open Call : Workshop-Creations 20/21

This open call for workshop-creations is intended for choreographers who have a teaching practice in performing arts and wish to test scenic ideas with a group of participants, in the form of a 2-weeks workshop with public presentation at the end of the process. This hybrid formula between workshop and creation allows choreographerto experience directing and working with a group of professional scenic artists in order to test, clarify and refine their ideas before starting a creation. 


This open call is addressed to professional artists in performing arts.


• professional artists
• artistic idea ( to be detailed in the presentation file )
• commitment to present the result to an informed public




• 1st week from Monday to Saturday, from 10am to 5pm
• Sunday break
• 2nd week from Monday to Thirsday, from 10am to 5pm
• 2nd Friday, from 2pm to 9pm, preparation and public presentation



Send a presentation file of the workshop-creation you want to carry out at
The file must contain :
• Letter of Intent ( 450 words maximum )
• Project description ( 1000 words maximum )
• CV
• Video from a previous project as a teacher
• Desired period



April the 1st  2020


Garage29 offers a salary of 1200€ (all taxes included) for a 10 participants workshop-creation or 1400€ (all taxes included) for a 12 participants workshop-creation.


• Studio lighting for workshop and presentation
 • Sound system during the hole period


Garage29 takes care of the registration of participants ( selected by CV ), the communication and the management of the public presentation.


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