
The Garage proposes workshops since its creation. However, their form evolved during the years and takes 4 forms right now : the résidences « workshop » being part of the GIN,the evening classes with Hoekthe workshops during a week-end or a week and the ones during the OFFestival.

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SNAP Festival

Les workshops du GIN

17 > 21/02/25

Work your Porpora (un workshop sur les corps résistances)

21 > 25/04/25

Alphonse Eklou Uwantege

Work your "restes"

28/04 > 9/05/25

Work your ligne d'erre

The evening classes

Since 2022, the Hoek Colletive occupies the studio almost every Wednesday evening to share their improvisation research as part of a course.

From 6.30pm to 8.30pm, 10€
Info and reservations :

We are always open to more collaborations for evening classes, so please don't hesitate to contact us : .

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