
Inner Tools:
Is Based in the center of Human conditions as a source. The creation of Tools to control your actions and emotions,  using all  your  potential and being aware of it. Having the “NOW ” as main rol !
Inner Tools :
Is a Search of control in our physical and metal sources to redirect it in a performatic way and yo go in and out of states, being truly with your self.
Inner Tools :
Also works the physic contact between bodies, keeping the same principle as a core. Future is Now !

Inscriptions : send a short C.V. and motivation letter to legarage29@gmail.com

JULIO CESAR studied at the National Dance Academy Cuban contemporary dance and was a member of the national dance company. He works as a dancer with numerous companies in Europe, Cuba and Latin America, most recently with Samir Akika / Unusual Symptoms and Ultima Vez. He also creates his own choreographies.

ALEXIS FERNANDEZ alias MACA comes from Santiago de Cuba and studied at the National Academy of Dance in Cuba, the Escuela Nacional de Artes La Habana. He worked with various companies in Cuba, Ecuador and Spain, including the Danza Contemporánea de Cuba in Havana and La Intrusa-Damián Muñoz in Barcelona. In 2009 he founded together with Caterina Varela, La Macana his own company, which is based in Galicia, Spain. With it, he realized his own work on different projects and in cooperation with various international artists.

 Workshop :
18 – 21.5.15  — 13:00 – 17:00
Frais d’inscription  : 100 €


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