Evila, sexuality in three times. Pinup, sex bomb, mermaid and other figures turn around, turn over, images, clichés and stereotypes of the inverted lotus, swimming frog and mysterious interview.

By questioning the way social mechanisms sexualize the female body through representation and by questioning female sexuality, Evila is thought as a fiction that explores a musical body-matter around the sexual gesture in a 360 degree space.

The fictional dimension is central. Josephine draws on various sources to construct clichés (female figures and mainstream pornography) that are broken by a ternary rhythm that never stops, thus complexifying the movements of the bodies and creating an original form of intimacy. The three beats break with the binary rhythm, breaking with the representations of an essentially masculine sexuality (perpetual back and forth movement).

Conception, choreography : Joséphine Tilloy
Original music : Hugues Laniesse
Assistant to the dramaturgy and scenography : Rim Cividino
Costumes : Cécile Box et Irène Rebeté
Interpretation : Camille Da Silva, Ghislaine Louveau, Léa Mécili et Livia Vincenti
Production Manager : Lou Le Gall


Co-production : Le Silo de Méreville – Essonne, Charleroi danse – Bruxelles

Subsidy : Le département de Seine-et-Marne

Residencies and studio loans : La Fabrique de la Danse (Le Carreau du Temple) – Paris, Le Point Éphémère – Paris, CDCN La Briqueterie – Vitry-sur-Seine, Réservoir Danse – Rennes, La Générale Nord-Est – Paris, SEPT CENT QUATRE VINGT TROIS – Nantes, Points Communs Nouvelle scène nationale – Cergy-Pontoise

Ⓒ Aurélie Baudet

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