Ballad is an exchange on cinematic performance – between dance and film, theatre and cinema, body and image, physical and audiovisual experience.

It begins from the mechanics and principles of life — how a light source produces visuals, how vibrations generate sounds, how embodying softness generates power, how an intention generates movement. How to channel and facilitate connections in between, in human and non-human bodies. As a response to La Société du Spectacle (Documentary film 1974 by Guy Debord), we would like to propose a reverse path from phenomenon to principles, to come to understanding and appreciation underneath representations and images.

In this residency we welcome participants and spectators to challenge, or be challenged by our specific creative language, in an exploration of the crossing paths of our different media.


Direction & Performance : Marcia Liu & Klaas Boelen


GARAGE29 : GIN23/24

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