NO/MAS/SACRE is a scenic piece directed by Reinaldo Ribeiro, performed by Aymará Parola and pianist Lea Petra, a collaboration that fuses dance, performance and music. 

GROTESQUE, LUDIC and VIOLENT are the three motivating elements from which undertake the creative journey and to open other possible narratives in relation to the meaning of sacrifice, death, nature and the female figure as an offering and salvation. 

Aymará and Lea join forces to magnify their skills: touching and moving. Music and dance are the protagonists in this dreamlike setting. An act that involves excess and virtuosity, manifested by two female bodies in a pact of joy and freedom.


Concept, direction, choreography: Reinaldo Ribeiro
Performance and choreography: Aymará Parola
Performance and music: Lea Petra
Dramaturgy: Ida Daniel
Lighting design: Alfredo Díez
Costume design: Miguel Olmeda
Scenic space: Víctor Colmenero
Artistic Accompaniment: Carolina Mendonça, Elke Van Coprnhout Production: Beatriz Bello
Sound technician: Andrés Cabrera
Photography: Rubén Expósito Diaz
Graphics: Noelia Varietti
Acknowledgements: Sabina Scarlat, Milan Herich, Dario Barreto
With the collaboration of: FAM Festival, Garage 29, Culture Moves Europe, LundyNamite, Centro Coreográfico de La Gomera (La Gomera) Por Asalto – TEA (Tenerife), Última Vez (Brussels), A two dogs company (Brussels), Auditorio Capitol (Tacoronte), Theater140 (Brussels).
With the support of: Cabildo de Tenerife, ICDC- Instituto Canario de desarrollo Cultural, Generalitat de Catalunya, Instituto Ramon Llull.

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