A generous cushion for my aggression chews on humor as a profoundly political space. Laughter has many faces and is contagious : as innocent dress for violence or as empowerment. A hegemonic gesture or a subversive survival strategy. Diving into online meme culture, neo-fascist imageries, archetypes, collected testimonies and the way laughter deforms the body, the creation A generous cushion for my aggression opens a carnivalesque space of shared reflection on the power of layered images and ridicule.


Direction & Performance : Anna Kuch
Dramaturgical and artistic support: Jimena Perez Salerno, Pierre-Louis Kerbart


Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR, #TakeHeart
GARAGE29 : GIN23/24

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