
– Martial Arts into Dancing  –  

Humans like all animals are playful by nature. Play is a process most conducive to improve motor skills, in the acquirement of new abilities, and underlies all creative responses. The Play-Fight Workshop is an open invitation to retrieve a bodily intelligence often compromised as we move towards adulthood. Our practice will be developed through improvisational partner work embedded in principles of martial arts, such as Capoeira and Russian Systema, and Contact Improvisation. Mutual trust will pave our way to enter into zones wherein confrontational situations will be safely permeated by a collaborative group mind-set. Partners are not to be confronted but useful to show our own limitations and possibilities. Ultimately Play-Fight is an invigorating self-knowledge road orchestrated by utter sensitivity of body-feelings, which only become possible in each encounter.  In this process we shall find and lose ourselves and the souls will intertwine and compose boundless stories never told before, no narrative, all embedded in surprises and a pure sense of enduring spontaneity. We thrill in the living out of a shared journey that subverts the conventions; so that the invisible space now becomes fertilized in imagination and fantasy yet to be understood by the limitations of our cognitive reach. Meet the other, be mirrored and let your body teach you.


Born in Rio de Janeiro and based in Europe since 2000, Bruno Caverna has always been strikingly fascinated by human bodies in motion and its latent potential to be explored and extrapolated. At the age of 10 he began practicing Capoeira, which led him to work at a circus as an acrobat in 1993. The year after Bruno « fell into » contemporary dance, a landmark in his professional development for realizing that dancing was the missing link. Over the past 28 years, Bruno has been moving through a thread of uncompromised dedication in the art of integrating his visions and expertise from various dance modalities and distinct disciplines such as Capoeira, Contemporary Dance, Contact-Improvisation, Qi Gong/Taiji and Russian Systema, into a somatic language of his own. His movement approach has strongly been fostered by the investigation of an animal intelligence – dormant in most of us – as well as the science and studies of water flow. He has been teaching over 30 countries, including the major contemporary dance scenes in Europa such as: Impulstanz-Vienna; Ultima Vez/Wim Vandekeybus; Deltebre Festival; Kalamata Festival. As a guest choreographer Bruno has worked for National Ballet of Norway; ASAB – Faculty of Performing Arts of Bogota; MDT-ist Istanbul Opera; Frikar; just to mention a few. 


Workshop :
21.11 – 22.11.15  
10am – 5pm
PRICE : 100 €
Inscriptions :


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