BENEDICTE MOTTART / Class + Workshop

05-09.12.16 / Garage29


The class will start from a soft and flowing work on the floor aiming for accuracy in patterns and in points of support. 

We will progressively explore contrasts between effort and release, between power and fragility. We will try to keep focusing on quality, on the « essence » of the movements while increasing the physical challenge of phrases. Each individual will search for the authenticstarting point to push its moving. As a whole , the class aims to build stamina and tries to reach a point of tiredness where the body drops its usual habits, its fears, its thoughts. That’s the place we will start working from for the afternoon.

Afternoon workshop : PERFORM THE INTENTION 

We will work on the idea of meaning through dancing. How do we focus on the intention we wanna share ? How do we emphasize it without demonstrating it ? How do we make sure it comes through ? How to carry an emotion, a « story » in our bodies ? How to invite an audience to dive into all we perform ? How do the look, the awareness, the dedication, the honesty, the simplicity matter ?


Professional contemporary dancer based in Belgium, Bénédicte is a raw, animal and instinctive performer. She explores physical challenge, partnering, improvisation, theater and likes to work with heights. She worked for 5 years with Ultima Vez/Wim Vandekeybuswhich brought her to highly physical experiences and tours.

As a choreographer, she’s working on the emotion as a starting point to develop a research for freedom, for humanity and for visceral needs. She creates among the Brussels based Compagnie3637 founded together with Coralie Vanderlinden and Sophie Linsmaux in 2008. She works on dance, dance-theater and young audience fields.


When :
Class : 10h30 – 12h30
Workshop : 13:00 – 17:00
Where :
Rue de Moerkerke 29
1030 Bxl
Registration obligatory at:
Price : 
morning session/class: 10 € a day, possible to “drop in out” – daily
participation workshop: available only in the full version: obligatory to participate in all 5 days; price 100,00 €
special price COMBO: you take ALL morning classes and workshop – you pay 130,00 €



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