ANECKXANDER examines how the gaze of the Other reduces our identity to a number of physical/external features: disproportions, vulnerabilities, etc. Alexander/Aneckxander tries to escape from this reduction by always taking different physical shapes. With this alienating physicality he breaks through our visual point of reference. The look of the spectator loses its orientation. Because of this alienation Alexander/Aneckxander attempts to be more than just his external characteristics.

This movement research piece is performed naked. The body bends into bizarre and confronting positions. In this way the thin line between horror and empathy is simultaneously been explored and exposed. This line builds a possible bridge between the solitude of the solo artist and the Other, his audience.

Alexander Vantournhout studied at ‘Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque’ (ESAC) in Brussels, where he specialized in single wheel and P.A.R.T.S (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) in Brussels.

Bauke Lievens works as a dramaturge for circus, theatre and dance (Cie Un loup pour l’homme, Kaori Ito/les ballets C de la B, Tibaldus en andere hoeren). She studied Performance Studies at the University of Ghent and Philosophy of Contemporary Arts at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.


 7 €

Performer  Alexander Vantournhout
Concept Alexander Vantournhout, Bauke Lievens
Dramaturgy Bauke Lievens
Light design Tim Oelbrandt
Costumes Nefeli Myrtidi, Anne Vereecke
Production NOT STANDING asbl
Coproducers HumorologieMarke (BE), Circus Next (JTCE)
With the help of Flemish GovernmentWest-Flemish GovernmentCircus Next

Before the Premiere in June 2015 at Humorologie, Marke (BE), ANECKXANDER offers itself a last rehearsal in OFFestival 2015.

ANECKXANDER was selected/laureat of Circus Next 2014. 

Durée :  60min.

© Bart Grietens

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