‘save the goldfish’, is a collaborative initiation, born from both our wish to archive the forgotten. Through this work, we archive memories that are destined to be lost, by bringing them in front of our eyes before they get forgotten, vanished, or buried. We framed our practice around the archival of memories and their three distinct but mergeable angles of approach. Firstly, our bodies, shells of personal/individual history and emotions. Secondly, the physical plane, our sensorial and synesthetic way of approaching matter and objects. Thirdly, the digital scape, our most explicitly forgotten content, the numeric dust accumulating on our banks and clouds. We work through diverse tasks, in relation to each of the angles of study separately, in order to create a variety of landscapes (built of a multitude of archived content).

The following ‘tools’: found/owned objects, text, images, videos, sound/voice records and body, help us save the goldfish*. These archival practices can be seen as attempts to safeguard memories and experiences against the ravages of time and forgetfulness. Our project arose from the curiosity of investigating the temporal nature of memory. It comes along with the theme of cognitive psychology and how it can allow us to delve in our memories through different factors, external ones, that often lead to inaccuracies and omissions. How reliable can our memories be and how will they be brought back to surface?

*The goldfish as a symbol of failed memory, the will to preserve it, thus losing itself in the surplus of information. The will to save it from its surrounding misery, make it a figure of care, power and resistance.

A more detailed structure of the different happenings, workshops, guided explorations will be published later this year.


Direction  : Vladimir Babinchuk & Eleni Roberts Kazouri


Garage 29 : GIN 23/24

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