A LOVELY CONSTRUCTION SITE is a performative exploration of spaces before or after the arousal of ‘building’. That very moment in time and place in space when absurdity and beauty fossilize together onto concrete, an opened scar into the ground, while simultaneously being the moment that promises a new landscape for the future…

… a possible playground for the body…

A fetish on the one hand, and a feeling of disgust and anger on the other, and using scaffolding, axes, shovels, and chainsaws to turn sterile, surveilled, organized spaces into exploded hills, deforested forests, blasted sites abandoned to nature or old buildings in ruins. The invaded space now carries a new sensible routine, and so, you see the tools lose their function, bodies piercing the invisible, people digging and cutting in circles, hands caressing skin instead of a tree.


Concept/initial idea- Urtė Groblytė
In collaboration with the collective LOVEXTENDED


Garage 29 : GIN 23/24

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