AVANT-PREMIERE « O. » – Francesca Saraullo


May 26 at 8pm at Garage29

It’s a return to the POINT. To the point of ORIGIN. « Who am I? Who are we? Based on a personal search for the sacred feminine, I call upon my pelvic matrix. I settle down and open myself to listening. I follow the flow of breath, which becomes sound, voice, song. Body segments become supports that open up personal and universal memory spaces, human and non-human, beyond verbal language. I traverse archaic and surreal landscapes on a transidentitarian journey where unity becomes multiple, where the « I » converges in the « we ».

In this solo, Francesca becomes the guardian of personal and universal memories from the pelvis. Through the magic of words and the power of the pelvic body, she revisits the traditional monologue – centered on a single male subject – to give voice to a plural femininity, starting from singular experiences to include all lives.

Francesca Saraullo

Francesca is an Italian choreographer, performer, visual artist and teacher based in Brussels. With a multidisciplinary background, she graduated in ISAC and AeSP at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, and in Performing Arts and Film Engineering in Turin. She trained in dance, theater and singing with international masters such as Nina Dipla, Raffaella Giordano, Loïc Touzé, David Zambrano and Meg Stuart. She also took part in the highly influential « Transforme, Se prolonger » training course run by Myriam Gourfink (Fondation Royaumont) and in « Atlas » ImPulsTanz.

She has thus nurtured her practice and her curiosity with a variety of languages and approaches, until she has embraced the broad and infinite field of investigation that is the body. Attentive to human beings and their fragility, her research fuses collective practice and individual exploration. She integrates her approach with somatic practices such as Danse Sensible with Claude Coldy and, currently, Fasciatherapy for dance with Anja Röttgerkamp.

In 2017, she created her first choreographic work La Sospesa. This was followed by ANAMNESIS (2019), LUX (2019), Et toi… (2018); and the visual works W. (2020), RACCOLTO (2017), Ballerina (2013), …Since 2020, she has benefited from research support by the Belgian French Community (Charleroi Danse, FWB) by participating, among others, in the residency programs « GINcubator2021 », garage29; « Around a process of making 2022 », Marosi Festival; and « AiR2022 », ŻfinMalta Company.

More information about Francesca

Mise en scène, chorégraphie, performance & vidéo : Francesca Saraullo
Dramaturgie & création texte : Alice Van der Wielen-Honinckx
Création lumière : Eleanor Bryce
Création sonore: Clelia Patrono
Régie générale : Joseph Iavicoli
Soutien à la mise en scène : Ilaria Orlandini, Hélène Gautier
Regard chorégraphique : Stéphanie Auberville
Scénographie & costume : Francesca Saraullo en collaboration avec Le Vaisseau de Tournai
Co-production : Gruppo E-Motion
Résidence de création : Danspunt ; Arts Centre VIERNULVIER ; Escale du Nord – CC d’Anderlecht ; Le Vaisseau ; Florian Metateatro ; et d’autres en cours de
recherche | Soutien en cours de demande.
Résidence de recherche (par ordre temporel 2023-2020) : Kunstenwerkplaats ; LeBamp ; Teatre de sa Teulera Andratx ; Spazio Matta ; Zfinmalta dance
national academy («AiR 2022»); Marosi Stromboli Festival («around a process of making 2022») ; Maison de la Création ; CC Garçia Lorca ; Garage29
(GINcubator21) ; Charleroi danse ; Théâtre Marni ; De Kriekelaar GC ; Workspace Ricerca X, Lavanderia a Vapore ; ATLAS, ImPulsTanz
Avec le soutien de : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (bourse) ; Charleroi danse (bourse) ; WBI ; LeBamp ; ILES Artist Project ; Institut culturel italien à Malte ;
Zfinmalta dance national academy ; Workspace Ricerca X.

Tickets and inscriptions for the workshops

26.05 at 8pm : AVANT-PREMIERE O.

11.05 from 11am to 2pm : FREE workshop about the pelvis

Sensory and dynamic practice anchored in the pelvic sphere, combining individual, duo and group work. Through sensitive dance, experiential anatomy and improvisation tools, participants will be guided towards subtle listening to the body, rediscovering the spontaneity of gesture and the energetic evolution of movement. Voice and imagery will facilitate pelvic mobility, supported by breathing. Between intimate and collective journeys, the singularity of a dance emerges in an open relationship with the Other.

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