Fall in Floor // Agathe Tarillon


This workshop is about floor explorations, mobility and organicity. The most important for me is to understand how unlimited our body mobility is, and how creative we are. We will explore different tools to move on the floor. Meanwhile, we will develop our personal way to move the floor. It’s about moving our body in space and building spaces in our body. I love to understand the body as a landscape we can shape, as much a technical tool than a creative/narrative tool for imagination to empower our dance.

We will explore upside down positions. It will not be so much about handstands, but how we can stand by pushing from different supporting points.


Daily Routine, based on a consistent connection between: warm-up, quality research, technical research, and performative research:

  • Collective Warm-up: Awareness of the 3D sensation, personal connection to our body, and organicity.
  • Improvisation Research Tasks (supporting points, fluidity, release, explosivity, playfullness,…)
  • Collective creative Improvisation based on the tools we will explore during the day and our individual creativity.

For who ?

This workshop is designed for movers that are not yet really in love with the floor, and for the movers that are already addicted to it, but want to investigate new pathways and find new inputs in their movements.

Because it’s mostly about improvisation/research tasks, everyone takes her.his way to move, according to her.his mood, body mobilities and experiences. Previous mouvement experiences are welcome but not mandatory.

15 participants maximum, opened to all ages.

• Dates:  16 and 17 December ( from 11am to 5pm )
• Price : 60€/1 day, 100€/2 days
• Send a mail to register at : contact@garage29-offestival.be

What about me ?

After competing in national Rhythmic Gymnastics championships, I started and completed an Architecture diploma in France. After working as a scenographer trainee I moved to Brussels, to get closer to the dance world I was attracted to. After following an intensive program in the Austrian dance school of SEAD, I started working in different dance projects (Belgium, Spain, Slovakia,…). I recently decided to share my personal practice through classes and workshops. In collaboration with the experimental electronic musician Pacôme Orzi, I’m currently doing research for a solo performance.

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