25.05.12 – 20:30  / OFFESTIVAL

The work « Aurora » arose from the stories of wild children or « Feral children ».These are children that spent the first few years of their life without human contact, that were either raised by animals or secluded by abusive parents. While dealing with this subject, I began seeking alternative physical and performative states that led me to the development of « Aurora », a wild introverted lonely figure.
I was touched especially by the story of Genie. A child that spend the first 13 years of her life strapped to a potty chair, isolated and locked in a room by abusive parents. After her discovery in 1970, she continued to be passed on between different authorities, scientists and social workers.
There were two things that strongly drew me to Genie’s story. First, her physicality: her unique body perception and the almost inhuman manner she seemed to have of carrying herself. In my point of view, her development of an alternate human physicality is a gripping matter.
Secondly I was fascinated by the direct communication she evoked with people, in her gentle unique way. People seemed to be drawn to her, just like me.Meytal Blanaru, an israeli choreographer based in Brussels, worked as a dancer with Lisi Estaras/ Les ballets C de la B, Damien Jalet, Samuel Lefeuvre and more. Throughout this time she continues to develop her own work.
Concept & Choreography: Meytal Blanaru
Performance: Meytal Blanaru
Duration : 15 min.



 ©Leif Federico Firnhaber

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