B. FURY, M. DE MEYER & P. CODENYS/The curved strategies

31.05.13 – 19:30  / OFFESTIVAL

Mohamed Benaji alias BENFURY started the danse by practicing the breack-dance with some friends in the galleries or the streets of Brussels in the mid-90. He joined the dance company Hush Hush Hush in Antwerp with which he took part in two productions and toured internationally. Since 1998, he collaborates with various choreographers such as Bud Blumenthal, Fatou Traoré, Johanne Saunier and Roberto Olivan. He is also a founding member of the group of dancers Mad Spirit who works regularly with groups of free jazz as Aka Moon, Greatings from Mercury or Vegetal Beauty. He also teaches breack-dance across Europe and coaches various projects that approach hip-hop, as he did for the piece Bitches Brew by the dance company Rosas. He collaborated and toured with the pieces Siegfried Forever and Bayreuth FM by the collective Woosh’ing Mach’ine, led by Mauro Paccagnella. He co-created with Harold Henning, the piece « Leopoldo » produced by Charleroi / Danses. Since 2010, he works with Sidi Larbi CherkaouiMARC DE MEYER began painting on canvas at the age of 14 years. Very quickly, it feels limited by the space of his first paintings and turned towards the wall and tridimentionnal paintings. His concern is to integrate the painting to architecture, to create living spaces and overall design. An image, an event takes its true dimension only by the sum of the points of views of all individual and subjective observations. It is this cohesion, he tends to translate into his paintings.THE CURVED STRATEGIES are a free study on synchronism of a dancer and a painter trough improvisation. Their gestual inspiration is aroused by their meeting in an ended ,compact and musical space.
Concept Ben Fury – Marc De Meyer
Performance Ben Fury
Paintings Marc de Meyer
Music live Patrick Codenys
Duration 40min.




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