Ateliers pendant le OFFestival  :

May 2024

Si vous ne le connaissez pas encore, le OFF a été développé pour aider les artistes émergents à affiner leurs univers et leurs méthodes. C’est aussi un moment de rencontre et un espace de visibilité. Tout au long de la saison, les artistes que nous soutenons créent en résidence et à l’aide d’autres artistes, étudiant·es, publics, dramaturges et programmateur·ices. Le OFF leur offre l’opportunité de présenter leurs travaux dans un format tout spécialement pensé pour eux, et d’aller à la rencontre de ces publics.

Dans ce cadre, deux de nos artistes proposent des ateliers gratuits autour de leurs spectacles respectifs.

Il faut tout de même s’inscrire ici




G.Incubator Workshops  :

January > May 2024

The G.Incubator’s workshops are a 1 or 2 weeks process where the artists working in the G.Incubator for a season propose to work their project with a group of participants in a workshop frame.

By integrating the questions of their projects as well as their scenic vocabularies into a workshop format, the G.Incubator’s choreographers intend to put to work the group and the diversity of its points of view while guiding the participants through a learning and experimenting process.

The formula is aiming a win win situation where emerging choreographers have the possibility to work with other artists who experience a creation process, spend time within an artistic proposition, accumulate  knowledge and share their development.

Starting with 2024, these workshops are free of charge for the participants! So, dancers and movers, discover the Gin’s choreographers proposals and contact them if you want to participate to their workshops.




Week-ends  Workshops  :

January > June 2024

The week-ends workshops are offering an opportunity to young dancers to start/improve a class/workshop material or mix research and training.

Within this frame, a focus on female artists and atypical propositions is stated.

Dancers can always propose a  weekend workshop. Sometimes they take care of the registration procedure directly. Sometimes we do it. In any case, we put word here about all the workshops happening during the weekends at G29.

Join the Garage29 Workshops Facebook page to stay informed about upcoming workshops and courses.



Evening classes  :

September > December 2023

Always on the lookout for spaces to practice together, conduct research and experiment, the evening opening of the studio enables them to train together and also to share their practice with other artists and dancers invited to take part in their practices.

Since 2022, the Hoek Collective open the studio almost every Wednesday evenings to share their improvisation research in the frame of a class.

We hope to open the studio for other evening soon. If you have a proposition, contact us !




From 6:30 to 8:30pm !
Registrations an infos : or on the spot

To have rapid infos, better pass through Instagram : hoek.collective














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