Theatrical Body Workshop – Yi-Chun Liu

11> 12/09/21

Our days will start with a Countertechnique class to warm-up. It will make you sweat, stimulate your headspace, while also aligning your body and mind. Countertechnique is a dance training system, taught only by certified teachers internationally. So it is recommended that participants have at least a minimum of dance experience or have experience of using their bodies in a dynamic way. More info at This class will prepare us for our journey into a dance-theater workshop.

The dance theater workshop had been developed based on my versatile physical knowledge and years of experience working with Peeping Tom dance theater company. I will guide the participants through this journey encouraging them to explore their own individuality through improvisation. We will be exploring elements such as space, time, music, objects, impressions and memories… etc. to widen the spectrum of our physical qualities. All the physical exploration is serving as a means of generating physical storytelling material, a way to express ourselves through daily actions and their physical intentions. The storytelling is amplified as we transform and distort the reality we’ve created into something playful and unexpected. This workshop is about how to create and perform an action/task, develop it, and further explore our freedom in this process.

DATES : 11> 12/09/21, 11am >5pm

PRICE:  100€

Infos & registrations :

Number of places limited to 12 participants.

Yi-Chun Liu is a multidisciplinary performer, over the years her work has spanned the fields of contemporary dance, ballet, and theatre. She has been a company member with Peeping Tom (BE) since 2013, and prior to that worked with amongst others: Anoukvandijk dc (NL), Ann Van den Broek WArd/waRD (BE), Landerer company (DE), Shang-Chi Sun (DE), Scapino Ballet Rotterdam (NL), Balletto Teatro di Torino (IT), Cloud Gate Dance Theatre (TW)…etc. Yi-Chun is a master of transformation, both physically, spatially and vocally. She is able to transform herself on stage through the mastery of her body, her voice, and through her keen awareness of space and time as a tool for manipulation. These elements combine to give a performance of poetic beauty through an intense theatricality which expands everyday movement or gesture into something profound, eerie and theatrical.  She is passionate about transmitting and further exploring these qualities in her workshop. Her teaching experience is extensive, she is trained in contemporary dance, ballet, Chinese opera and Tai-Chi Martial arts, as well she is an international certified Countertechnique teacher. She has worked with dancers, actors, singers, circus performers, teachers and those without any artistic background. Yi-Chun had worked as Assistant Director to Frank Chartier in Netherlands Dans Theater, and a movement choreographer with theater director Gaia Saitta. In her teaching she gives her students tools to clarify their performance vocabulary and language, and then challenges them to create from a place that is breaking out of their habitual patterns. These creations are placed within the time limitations of the theatrical moment, encouraging non narrative physical storytelling that is precise and compact.

Photo © Virginia Rota, Peeping Tom

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