OFFestival 2019

What do you see?


Since 2011, OFFestival has been playing with theatre standards as a venue for stage creations and public performances. The 2019 edition marks a turning point in the history of OFFestival, which is becoming the visible tip of the Garage29 iceberg and its G-Incubator. The program is entirely dedicated to experimenting with the public on projects in the studio. The G-Incubators, emerging choreographers and dancers from Brussels are embarking on an OFF exploring the invisible part of creation, of what is not showable, not yet!

What do you see?, questions all over the place. First, sight: why, in living art, is sight so much favoured over the other senses? It questions the one who shows and the one who looks: how does the artist use the spectator to create and how does the spectator construct the understanding of what he sees? Last but not least, it raises the delicate question of what is seen: how to show the invisible, the process rather than the result or the finished product?

We don’t show it. We’re experimenting with it. Benno Steinegger imagines a show in a conversation with his partner and the audience. On a human-sized chessboard, Tamara Gvozdenovic divides the audience into black and white pieces that will have to move to advance the game of chess. Sergi Parés invites those who are curious about a social relationship through touch to meet each other blindly. Leif Firnhaber disorganizes the senses in a spectacular blind dinner. Sophie Guisset tests the limits of obedience against her guest in a deviant tennis game. Cie Tumbleweed explores the movement of masses where individuals collaborate at the risk of becoming confused. Vilma Pitrinaite seeks catharsis through the artificial means of celebration.

All these sketches require a spectator who has become an explorer of new social relationships, at the risk of getting lost, but in search of the unknown and a living art. Off the beaten paths!








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