SOFIA BRITO – Body powerful voice / WORKSHOP


Dans cet atelier, nous allons explorer comment le son et la voix naissent des mouvements instinctifs du corps, d’où provient une grande respiration. Nous allons chercher la voix naturelle et authentique de chacun . Nous allons  apprendre à reconnaître et accepter ce puissant véhicule d’expression et le canaliser pour le chant de groupe. Le processus pédagogique puise dans plusieurs techniques, Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Danse et Chant Contemporain. 
In this workshop, we will explore how sound and voice are born from instinctive movements of the body, from which a deep breath results. We are going to recover the natural and authentic voice of each one. We are going to learn to recognize and accept this powerful vehicle of expression and channels for the singing group. The pedagogical process draws on Yoga, Body-Mind Centering and Contemporary Dance and Singing.

Sofia Brito is a portuguese fresh and dynamic women, mother of two beautifull children, loving sharing dance and joy. Performing and teaching are two sides of her art work that are not separeted, one nurish the other. So her classes are like a resherch laboratory where technic histeached trougth eachones personal prosses of creation. 
She is a Performing Arts Artist, Coreographer, Contemporary Dancer and Singer and Marcial Arts practitioner. Forces of Nature, and the meaning of life have been the guideline of her research trough Art. 
She teaches to professional artists and amateurs in a creative center for contemporary circus  and performing arts in Portugal. She teaches Release Technique, Floor work, Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation, Composition and Yoga on regular courses, workshops and coaching in solo creations .


Workshop :
10am – 1pm
60 €/ 1 DAY 30 € / 2 DAYS
Inscriptions :


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