This new research is in line with the company’s first creation, The Gyre; the body of each performer abandons itself, anonymous and essential, to a larger form, a relief whose lines are constantly blending. For this second creation, the company wants to continue the development of its unique and committed choreographic language.

For this new creation, Tumbleweed focuses his research on the behaviour of the crowd and their language. Observed in some animal gatherings, and especially during the impressive murmurings of starlings, the flow of information within a group of individuals can be prodigiously fast and efficient. These characteristics are made possible by a simple and tightened communication fabric. The social group can then evolve as a super-organization, working for the survival of each individual, deploying each singularity in a coherent collective movement. But the more the individual assesses the information he receives in relation to himself, the more he asserts his own interest, and the more he tends to detach himself from the community, so the issues we would like to raise with this project are focused on the likelihood of collective intelligence and the value of an individual within a multiple organization, a society.

Before reaching the creative period, Tumbleweed allows itself a period of research between moments of reflection with two people and participatory workshops, open to all disciplines, professional or non-professional, in different cultural settings where collective sensation, non-verbal communication, walking with others in a restricted space and proprioception will be experienced.

At the end of this research period, which should last until early 2020, the company plans to train a group of performers of 5 to 7 people and begin choreographic writing of the show.


Angela Rabaglio et Micaël Florentz


CCN Ballet du Nord (FR), TanzHaus (CH), CC Heidelberg ( DE), Le Gymnase (FR), Grand Studio (BE), Summerstudios Rosas (BE), de Warande (BE), Garcia Lorca (BE), Garage29 (BE).



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