4>8.06.18 / Garage29 Morning Class

« Diffractive movement »
The class will be focused on an evolutive approach of the body, creating a physical link between general fluidity of movement and punctual isolation.

The class will be half training, half creative research ; with a global approach of movement through floorwork inspired by my hiphop background, a continuous and a physical work inspired by Gaga, and with an approach more creative through partnering, isolation work and guided improvisation.
Through diffent exercices, we will try to become conscious of each micro-movement and body shapes, and develop a « diffractive » way to make movements.

What I am interested in here is to understand how it’s possible to change the physicality of a movement in order to create an isolation effect without losing our global body counsciousness.

Nicolas is a freelance dancer in Belgium and France, trained at the CNSMD of Paris. His work is articulated between physicality, inspired by his hiphop background, the physical theater and tai-chi practice, and with a performative practice with choreographers he has met like Claude Brumachon, Roy Assaf and Jérôme Bel recently.

Morning Class
4>8.06.18   10:00>11:30
Réservations :



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