1&2.10.16 / Garage29

My work within circus has always benefited from and been nourished by my parallel work as a dancer and by my wish of sharing these two experiences. According to me, the moving body is the tool to express feelings. My teaching focuses on the will of exploring and developing various ways in which a circus artist can express his/her feelings. I would like to give him/her the necessary research tools in order for him/her to be autonomous in his/her work and search to develop his/her own style and artistic identity.

My work and teaching focuses on exploring the body movements- it aims at using the apparatus in a more conscious and therefore a freer way. Throughout a series of exercises and guided improvisations, we will undo, play with and articulate the “circus artist body”. We will work using slackening techniques and alternate between muscular tension, instinctive movements, bouncing in order to learn how to recycle the internal energy of the movement. My approach consists of making the body more “available”, using dissociations techniques in order to make an effort only when it is necessary, liberating the body from any useless tension so that the “real” person, human who hides him/herself behind the perfect image of the circus artist is revealed.

My tuitions/ courses are divided into three parts:

1. Warm up with a dance class 2. Putting into practise the tasks which have been explored during the 1st part on the trapeze or the circus apparatus. Different specific techniques will be taught during this stage if necessary. 3. Stretching exercises. These are inspired by my practise of yoga and are based on a series of exercises whose aim is to give more flexibility to the body, all this combined with breathing exercises.

The classes are based on the following areas of work:

– To develop the fluidity and continuity of the movement in order to break with the static image imposed by the circus figure. – To play with the bodies rhythm and musicality. To move in harmony with music. – Ti be conscious of the body weight and learn how to recycle the natural movements.

– To work using breathing techniques – To be able to move/ dance putting into practise the following concepts: inhale/ exhale, small/ big, inside/ outside, oneself/ space. – To identify what triggers the movement. (to guide and or release/ let go) – To develop one’s coordination – To give importance to details.


Elodie Doñaque was born in 1979, she is a dancer and a trapeze artist based in Brussels (Belgium)

During the period 1997-2004, she has been exploring the possibilities of using fixed trapeze as a support to to put the body in movement and to invent an aerial dance. She develops a special work, technique, which breaks with the aesthetic imposed by the static trapeze : she plays with the aerial body with organicity, smoothness and musicality.

She studied circus a the Centre des arts du Cirque du Lido in Toulouse (France) and then worked as an aerialist for various companies, such as le Cirque Bidon, La Compagnie des Oiseaux Fous and La Rital Brocante. In 2001 she met the dancer Martin Kivaldy who had a major influence on her work and who made her change her career orientation.

Since 2002 she dedicated herself to embody her aerial dance on the floor. She studied dance at Centre ChorégraphiquedeToulouseandin2005sheenteredatthechoreographicschoolofAmsterdam: School for New .Dance Development. She then collaborated with the choreographers Stefan Dreher and Ugo Dehaes.

In 2009, she created her own company together with Anna Buhr, Le Cardage: cirque choréographique which responds to her desire of establishing a dialogue between circus and dance. Throughout her career she has developed a particular look on circus movements. She now combines her scenic work with working as a teacher in several schools such as : Le Lido, ESAC, Espace Catastrophe, La Central Del Circ, Scuola di crirco FLIC, Scuola di circo Vertigo.




When : 
01 & 02.10.16 — 10:00 – 16:00
Where : 
Rue de Moerkerke 29
1030 Bxl
Where to register :
Price :
100 €




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