AVANT-PREMIERE « Abysses » – Jeanne Colin


May 19 at 7pm at Garage29

The audience is gradually invited to enter a dreamlike space where logic fades away. In the manner of a long hypnosis, each person present is led to connect with his or her own experience of dreams and night. By focusing attention on this intimate aspect of life, our fears, desires and vulnerability come face to face with what we can’t explain.Imagined as a long hypnosis, my intention with this solo is to bring each person present to connect with their own experience of dream and night.

As a dancer, I’m betting that our bodies are the silent witnesses of these operations. As a dancer, I bet that our bodies are the silent witnesses of these operations, keeping within them the memory of ancient narratives and nourishing those that are in a state of germination.ABYSSES proposes to bring out the silent rumbling of this unconscious activity. Like a scuba dive, the show goes through several stages. It invites the audience to venture into a world emptied of landmarks, leaving only the body, dance and the invisible it probes.

Jeanne Colin

Graduating in 2014, she tours with the creation of her solo Get out Of The Blue where she defines the rules of a fight against herself in a boxing ring. The challenge is to reintroduce movement into frozen postures. I

n 2017, she began a period of research in collaboration with sculptor and dancer Killian Madeleine. They refined new tools combining dance, drawing and hypnosis. Based on these practices, a creation sees the light of day in 2019: a duet entitled Reception. This piece is conceived as an installation in constant metamorphosis. The space is both in ruins and under construction. Bodies, a snare drum and 200 kilos of clay engage in a sensory dialogue. In a slow, porous continuity, figures from our collective unconscious emerge and disappear.

From September 2021, she will be organizing a free weekly Authentic Movement workshop in Brussels, open to all. She is studying the many issues involved, in particular therapeutic ones, thanks to discussions with Jungian therapist Françoise Bacq. Her work revolves around movement and the unconscious, with a particular focus on dreams. It was from this research that the Abysse project was born.

More information about Jeanne

Choregraphie, texte, interpretation : Jeanne Colin
Conseils artistiques, texte : Thymios Fountas
Regard choregraphique : Baptiste Cazaux et Killian Madeleine
Conception cordes : Emma Cogné
Creation sonore : Maxime Pichon
Creation lumiere : Vera Martins
Coordination technique : Matthieu Verguez
Reprise régie : Aurore Leduc
Credit photos et video : Stanislav Dobak
Subventions : Service de la Danse- Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles-Aide au projet et Bourse de recherche ; Wallonie Bruxelles International ; Kiosk
Coproduction : Charleroi-Danse Centre Chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles ; Garage29
Soutien et acceuil studio: Charleroi-Danse (BE); Garage29 (BE) ; CG Demarkten (BE); La Ménagerie de Verre (FR) ; Centre National de la Danse de Pantin (FR) ; CG Buda-Courtrai, Micadanses (FR) ; Studio Etang Noir (BE) ; KLAP (FR)
Production déléguée : En Archipel ASBL

Tickets and inscription to the workshops

19.05 at 7pm : AVANT-PREMIERE Abysses

19.05 from 2pm to 3pm : FREE workshop about sleep

During this one-hour workshop, Jeanne proposes a somnambulistic exploration of the different phases of our sleep. Through a guided, playful meditation, participants will be led to connect with their experience as sleepers, and perhaps even let the movements of their dreams emerge. Afterwards, there will be time for discussion before closing the session.

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