ANA IOMMI & BORIS COSSIO – Listening to the inner body through improvisation – WORKSHOP

 22-23.08.15 Garage29

The workshop is intended for those who wish to deepen and explore their artistic language, develop their unique creativity and get confident and learn to listen to their bodies.
It is opened to everybody interested by the movement: amateurs and professionals of the arts of the scene (dancers, actors, circus acrobats…). During the workshop, you will explore the body, from anatomical, physiological and emotional points of view. You will work your body through relaxation. To reach a larger variety of movements, you will learn to liberate your muscular tension, your joints and other body parts. You will strengthen and relax them, allowing inspiration to pass without obstacles via the neuro-muscular-mind channel.
In performance situation, fears, doubts and rigidities manifest as excessive muscular tension. The physical work through contacts and manipulation of the body that we propose, aims at allowing you a deepen relaxation. It will allow you to move and dance free with less effort, while acquiring precision. Establishing contact with the present moment, you will be able to better express your creativity.
August 22nd and 23rd, 2015   (10AM – 3PM)
Price: 100 euro
Limited Places!

ANA IOMMI is a dancer and performer graduated from the School of Ballet Buenos Aires and Taller de Danza Contemporano del Teatro San Martin (BuenosAires). In the course of her last year of studies she has been invited to join the Company ” TeatroSan Martin”. She had a scholarship to study at the Centre de Recherche et de Composition Choréographiques, Royaumont, France and she performed Foray forest directed by Shelley Senter from Trisha Brown repertory. Later she collaborated and work with different artists: Khosro Adibi, Boris Cossio, Ana Stegnar, “Allen’s Line Company”  dir  Julyen Hamilton, Ann van den Broeck and Mike Figgi’s  movie!  “Co(te)lette”, Irene K Company.  She is part of SoloConversations Dance Collective, since 2007.

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