Marcia Liu & Klaas Boelen – GINCUBATOR 2023-2024

As movement and performance practitioner, Marcia Liu has recently drawn into the study of the ancient knowledge of body and movement in Chinese martial arts. She is fascinated by the principle of conservation and recycle capacity of energy in this arts. At the moment she is practicing the “internals” of Chinese martial arts and qigong which opens up to embodiment and movement employing the deep fascia and connective tissues in the body. She questions how can we move more powerfully but at the same time more kindly; how can we direct or redirect the others, without using violence (brute force), nor without losing our own ground? Marcia explores creatively how these questions can inform the performing bodies, interact and transform the performance landscapes — the co-presence of bodies in space-time.

Image and sound explorer, Klaas Boelen, creates live cinema where audiovisuals experience can be generated by composition and improvisation of found objects, footages and (sound) recordings. The interaction and tension between live and documentary, theatre and cinema, live performance and audiovisual captures, staged act and real life — are at the heart of Klaas’ artistic expedition. In the residency he would like to open up this creation process to other media such as moving bodies and moving objects.


More about >>>> BALLAD

08>21.04.2024 : Open Residency

This residency is accompanied by invited artist Eva Honings, to join force in the research between sound, image and movement.

Marcia and Klaas feel the need to involve the public in their creative process, calling upon its reactivity and spontaneity. The artists want to receive the audience in different ways, and test a  few systems around the relationship between dance and cinema.

Between the 15th and 21st of April 2024, during their residency and after a first week of work between themselves, they will open the experience to others. The exact dates and hours will be announced later on during the season.



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