BARA SIGFUSDOTTIR/ On the other side of a sand dune

23.05.13 – 19:30  / OFFESTIVAL

BARA SIGFUSDOTTIR is a 28-year-old energetic dancer and choreographer from Iceland. After her studies at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Hogeschool voor Kunsten at Amsterdam, Bára moved to Brussels, where she was accepted at P.A.R.T.S. Fed by its diverse cultural activities and artistic melting pot, she considers Brussels to be her home base.

Bára finds for her debut as a choreographer an atypical movement language based on her technical qualities and specific body structure. In this performance she creatively works with her cultural background. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF A SAND DUNE is based on an overwhelming evolution in Iceland in the past century. Through the stories and memories of the oldest generation in Iceland we can imagine the immense journey they experienced on the level of technology, society and living standards. From these narratives Bára distils a timeless, female character that incorporates different ages, personages and experiences.

The stage becomes a dream world where feelings such as desire and nostalgia wander around. Bára Sigfúsdóttir transforms herself from a little girl into an old woman, into a doll, into an elf or anything our imagination allows us to see. In this performance, that combines dance, voice and lights, the present is questioned by peeking into the past and projecting into the future.

CConcept & Choreography Bara Sigfusdottir
Performance Bara Sigfusdottir
Music & Sound Sóley
Lights Joris De Bolle
Costumes Mat Voorterr
Photo Leif Firnhaber
Production RedOrangeProductions
Diffusion Curtain Call Productions
Duration 40min.
This project is supported by the Commission of the Flemish Community of Brussels.




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