Tumbleweed Cie – The Gyre / Creation 2018


THE GYRE is a piece that evolves from an extremely simple action: walking. From this simplicity she delicately transports us into the hems of time and the consciousness of a universe without absence. The two dancers spin tirelessly and unroll step by step a captivating score of intertwined movements. The line that makes it possible to distinguish them from each other, undulates, fades and finally disappears.
Due to its repetitive nature and cyclical form, THE GYRE leads the viewer to a state of mild hypnosis. The choreography
circulates in orbit around a fixed centre, in analogy with the planets, and thus generates a continuous variation of perspectives. The time, which throughout the piece is engrained to the rhythm of our steps, will gradually merge into the same

CONCEPT ET INTERPRÉTATION : Angela Rabaglio et Micaël Florentz
CRÉATION LUMIÈRE ET SCÉNOGRAPHIE : Arnaud Gerniers et Benjamin van Thiel
REGARD EXTÉRIEUR : Dagmar Dachauer
PRODUCTION : Tumbleweed

CO-PRODUCTION : Dansomètre / Oriental-Vevey CH, Garage29 BE, Wolubilis BE
PARTENAIRES DE RÉSIDENCE : Charleroi Danse BE, de Warande BE, Destelheide BE, Carthago BE,
Dance Atelier Reykjavik IS, MMF Slaturhusid IS, The Freezer IS, Dampfzentrale CH, Lo Studio CH, CCN Roubaix FR

SOUTIEN FINANCIER : Fédération Wallonie – Bruxelles / Wallonie-Bruxelles International

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