Tumbleweed Cie – GINcubator 2019


Tumbleweed is a young dance company based in Brussels, founded in 2017 by Angela Rabaglio, Swiss choreographer and dancer, and Michael Florentz, French choreographer, dancer and musician. Initiated in 2014, their collaboration is above all the result of a meeting, that of two very different artistic paths.
Angela Rabaglio, of Swiss origin and based in Brussels, studied dance at the Amsterdam Hoogeschhool voor de Kunsten (from Theaterschool; MTD). She leaves in 2013 and directly composes her first solo piece, “Wind-up birds and polaroids” for which she receives the encouragement prize at the Barnes Crossing Solo Duo Festival in Cologne as well as the audience prize at the SzoloDuo Festival in Budapest. Since 2014, she has been dancing with the Alias company in Geneva (Guilherme Botelho) and more recently also with the Autre MiNa company in Montpellier (Mita Fedotenko). She has also worked and collaborated with Itamar Serussi, Chris de Feyter, Ingrid Berger Myhre, Tanzplan Ost (LaborGras and PearsonWidrig dancetheater) and participated in numerous improvisation performances with the Bloom collective (experimental jazz music) and the Swiss musician Simon Berz (‘Monstergroove’). She was also the initiator of an improvisation platform called Imperf Act in Brussels and occasionally teaches children and professionals.
Michaël Florentz is a freelance artist of French origin born in Besançon in 1988 and based in Brussels (BE) since 2011. Over the past ten years, he has devoted himself mainly to musical composition under two pseudonyms: Bielka and Blaukraut. He has collaborated with the artist Judith Juillerat (FR).
In 2014, he was spontaneously brought to dance by the Swiss choreographer and dancer Angela Rabaglio. From then on, he immersed himself in intense physical research and developed his technique independently but also through workshops (Rakesh Sukesh, Meytal Blanaru, Edivaldo Ernesto, Lucas Pablo Condro, Angela Rabaglio) and an intensive martial arts course (Kalaripayat, Kerala, India).
Through a constant dialogue, inspired by their travels, by science, nature and philosophy, by a permanent physical, technical and artistic curiosity, they have composed their own understanding of movement, the body and its language. Together, they began a new research on perpetual motion and the principles of evolution.  The main objective being to create a repetitive choreographic motif that evokes a long-distance movement, in which their two bodies alternate and combine, the circle stands out as the fundamental form of what becomes the company’s first creation, “The Gyre”.





25 January : Theater Phönix in Steckborn (CH) – short version

30 / 31 March : Garage29 ; Festival Brussels, Dance! (B) – pre-premiere

10 / 11 July : Festival Ravnedans, Kristiansand (NO) – short version

17 July : Dancefest Akropoditi, Syros (GR) – short version

3 September : Untimely Festival, Tehran (Iran) – short version

23 September : Tanz Metropole Tanz, Heidelberg (DE) – short version

29 / 30 September : Fêtes Romanes Wolubilis, Brussels (B) – short version

6 October : TPO Festival ; Gasometer Triesen (LI) – short version

27 October : TPO Festival ; Lokremiese St.Gallen (CH) – short version

4 November : TPO Festival ; Theater Chur (CH) – short version

9 November : TPO Festival ; Tanzhaus Zürich (CH) – short version

15 November : TPO Festival ; Theater Phönix Steckborn (CH) – short version

17 November : TPO Festival ; Appenzell (CH) – short version

 18 November : Tanzfestival in Winterthur (CH) – World Premiere – long version

28 November : La Grande Scène – Théâtre d’Arles (FR) – short version


30 Jan- 3 Feb : Les Chorégraphiques – Oriental-Vevey, Vevey (CH) – long version

13 March : Festival On Marche, Marrakech (Maroc) – short version

4 / 5 April : Festival Incandescences, Danse Dense, Paris (FR) – short version

27 April : Performa Festival, Bellinzona (CH) – short version

12 May : Tout Mons Danse, Mons (B) – short version

15 June : CCN Roubaix (FR) – short version, professional platform

21 / 22 June : ADC Genève, Geneva (CH) – short version

27 / 28 / 29 June : RIDCC, Rotterdam (NL) – short version

17 / 18 August : Festival Chassepierre, Florenville (B) – short version

25 August : IDEA Festival, Amman (JOR) – short version

1 October : Avis de Turbulences, Carreau du Temple, Paris (FR) – long version

18 October : Objectif Danse, La Raffinerie (B) – long version

19 October : L’échangeur, Château-Thierry (FR) – short version

23 November : Théâtre Nono, Marseille (FR) – short version

5 December : CDCN La Rochelle (FR) – long version

20 December : Alchemic Body, THE LINE Contemporary Gallery, London (GB) – short version


6 February : Le Triangle, Rennes (FR) – long version

3 / 4 March : Le Quartz / Danse à tous les étages, Brest (FR) – short and long version (exact date tbc)

19 / 20 / 21 March : Festival in Movement, Brigittines, Bruxelles (B) – long version

25 March : Le Grand Bain, Gymnase, Roubaix (FR) – short version

3 / 4 / 5 April : Le Monfort, Paris (FR) – short version

25 April : Festival STIL, de Warande, Turnhout (B) – long version

May : Danse de tous les Sens, Falaise (FR) – short version (option)

August : Festival Castrum, Yverdons-les-Bains (CH)- short and long version (option)



24 / 25 / 26 mars : CCN Tours, Tours (FR) – long version (option)



February 2020 – July 2020 : Research

May 2020 : OFFestival, experimental workshop


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